Ladies...we have got to give it up to Michelle. We think the hookers come running when we are blessed with a regular brotha that looks halfway descent and has a steady job? What if your husband was an attractive, intelligent, African-American brotha who we all know will be the democratic nominee for the presidency? Poor Michelle, the panties are being thrown at her husband by every Cheryl, Kim and Quantisha. Of course, he has to be careful, but temptation is a mutha. Hey, remember Bill Clinton? He was getting head under his desk while he was president! On the serious tip though, she has to deal with death threats against her family, negative jabs against her husband and critics accusing her of being unpatriotic. You talkin about drama….she is in the midst of it! Let us all continue to pray for Michelle and her family and relish in the fact that in a few months, she may be chillin in the White house listening to Teddy "P" on the turntable. Kudos to you Michelle...you are truly a strong sista!

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